Main Page

This is the page to come to for the answers to all of the questions that nobody actually asked.

Q: Are the characters just you and your friends?
A: Sort of. They are all based off of people I know in real life, though certain parts of their personalities are, we'll say, dramaticized, for comedic effect. For instance, Jay isn't actually (quite) that stupid, I'm not actually much of a masculinist, and Summer doesn't actually punch me for every other thing I say (she prefers to kick).

Q: Why did you host such a badly drawn webcomic?
A: I wanted a webcomic, I don't have any friends who can draw, I myself can't draw, and I didn't want to do stick figures or sprites.

Q: What program do you use to draw the main comics?
A: I'm too lazy to learn photoshop or the like, so I just draw it in flash and then use print screen. I used to fiddle around with flash (and I made a little opening about the characters of the comic), and so I though that would be the best bet for me. It has layers, anti-aliasing, and it's easy, so it's good enough.

Q: I don't get (insert specific comic here)
A: A small portion of the comics are inside jokes that only my friends will really get, though I think that they'd still be at least a bit funny to most, anyway.

Q: How can I contact you?
A:AIM-Falco1029 or falco1029 AT hotmail.com (MSN or email)

Q: Can I do a guest comic?
A: YES! Please do, makes my site more active with less work. Just email it to me and if I like it I'll put it up within a day or so. In the email, a subject of "Guest comic" would be nice, too.

Teh Gamerz plus is hosted on ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.